Penalty for Drunk Driving in Turkey and Limits

Alkollü Araç Kullanma Cezası 2024 (TCK ya göre)

According to the Turkish Highway Traffic Law, the penalty for driving under the influence of alcohol is determined to be 6,439 TL (198$) for the year 2024. This penalty applies for the first offense and becomes more severe for repeat violations. Additionally, upon receiving this penalty, the vehicle is impounded, the driver’s license is suspended for six months, and 20 penalty points are recorded. These measures are implemented to ensure traffic safety and encourage drivers to abstain from driving under the influence of alcohol. It is crucial to raise awareness about the risks of alcohol consumption in traffic and promote adherence to traffic rules by imposing such penalties on drivers.

In terms of currency conversion, the penalty for driving under the influence of alcohol in Turkey, which is 6,439 TL, equals $198 (USD) in April 2024.

The penalty for driving under the influence serves as a critical measure to uphold traffic safety in Turkey. In accordance with the Turkish Penal Code in effect in 2024, driving under the influence of alcohol entails serious consequences. Drivers who commit this offense not only endanger their own lives but also jeopardize the lives of others on the road. It should be remembered that drivers who consume excessive amounts of alcohol not only face legal penalties but also risk causing tragic outcomes such as loss of life or injury in traffic accidents. After consuming alcohol, individuals should refrain from getting behind the wheel and opt for alternative transportation methods. There should be zero tolerance for driving under the influence of alcohol to ensure the safety of everyone on the roads.

Legal Boundaries and Definitions

Is alcohol legal in Turkey?

In Turkey, consuming and selling alcohol is legal. However, there are various alcohol consumption limits while driving.

Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC): Legal Limits in Turkey

Driving with alcohol levels above certain limits is prohibited according to the Road Traffic Law. The relevant law (KTK Art. 48/I, KTY Art. 97/I) can be found at

Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) determines the legal threshold for receiving penalties for driving under the influence in Turkey. In 2024, according to the Turkish Penal Code, driving with a blood alcohol concentration of over 0.50 per mille results in legal consequences. It is crucial not to exceed this limit for traffic safety.

Turkey’s DUI law sets a blood alcohol concentration limit of 0.05 mg/ml and zero for commercial drivers. Exceeding this limit results in a six-month driving ban and confiscation of the driver’s license.

What does 0.50 per mille mean?

Consuming 1 double shot of rakı, whisky, or vodka, or 2 glasses of wine or beer corresponds to a blood alcohol concentration of 0.5 per mille (0.05 mg/ml). According to Turkish laws, all drivers found to have consumed alcohol above 0.5 per mille are penalized.

What is the alcohol per mille limit for motorcycles and vans?

Alcohol per mille limits for driving vary for different types of vehicles in Turkey.

The mentioned 0.50 per mille alcohol limit applies only to passenger car drivers. For other vehicles such as motorcycles, vans, etc., the alcohol limit is 0.20 per mille.

Per mille limit for commercial vehicle drivers

In Turkey, it is entirely prohibited for commercial vehicle drivers such as taxi drivers and public service drivers to drive under the influence of alcohol.

Definition of Driving Under the Influence (DUI) According to the Turkish Penal Code

Driving Under the Influence (DUI) is interpreted within the legal definitions specified in the Turkish Penal Code. This offense includes surpassing the specified blood alcohol concentration while driving and endangering traffic safety. The law requires drivers to be extremely cautious about driving under the influence of alcohol and to adhere to legal limits.

According to the Turkish Highway Traffic Law, the penalty for driving under the influence of alcohol is determined to be 6,439 TL (198$) for the year 2024.

Penalties for DUI in 2024 (According to the Turkish Penal Code)

Financial Penalties and Monetary Sanctions

Driving under the influence of alcohol in Turkey entails serious financial penalties. In addition to fines, there is a risk of losing your driver’s license for a certain period when driving under the influence. This situation can negatively impact not only your wallet but also your daily life.

Imprisonment and Probation Measures

Those who commit the offense of driving under the influence may face imprisonment and probation measures. These measures may vary depending on the severity of the offense and the individual’s criminal record. Such penalties play a crucial role in reducing the danger posed by the driver in society and on the roads.

Consequences of DUI For Foreigners Living in Turkey

Foreigners residing in Turkey who are charged with drunk driving may face additional consequences beyond the penalties mentioned above.

Impact on Residency Permits

Having a drunk driving conviction can affect the residency status of foreigners with valid residence permits. Depending on the severity of the offence, it could lead to the revocation or non-renewal of their residency permit.

Immigration Consequences

Foreigners planning to visit or stay in Turkey should be aware that a drunk driving conviction can have immigration implications. Some countries may deny entry or impose restrictions on individuals with a criminal record, including offences related to drunk driving.

Role Of Drunk Driving Accident Lawyers

Drunk driving accidents can result in severe consequences such as injuries, fatalities, and property damage. Seeking legal representation from a drunk driving accident lawyer is essential in such cases.

Legal Representation

Drunk driving accident lawyers specialize in handling cases involving accidents caused by intoxicated drivers. They offer legal guidance, represent their clients’ interests, and ensure that their rights are protected throughout the legal proceedings.

Seeking Compensation for Victims

Drunk driving accident lawyers also help victims in pursuing compensation for their injuries, medical expenses, property damage, and emotional distress. They work to hold the responsible party accountable and assist victims in recovering the damages they deserve.

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Legal Processes and Penalties for DUI

Detention and Arrest for Suspected Driving Under the Influence

According to the Turkish Penal Code, drivers suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol can be detained by the police for blood tests and other checks. The charge of driving under the influence can have serious consequences, and it is crucial to adhere to the necessary procedures throughout the legal process. Being aware of the rights of the suspected individuals and being guided to seek legal assistance, is important at this stage.

The Role of Evidence and the Importance of Legal Representation

In the legal process, evidence plays a vital role in proving or disproving the charge of driving under the influence. A defense supported by accurate evidence can influence the driver’s situation and determine the severity of the penalty. Having a lawyer represent the individual in the legal process plays a critical role in ensuring justice. Suspects who benefit from legal services can strengthen their defense and protect their rights.

Preventive Measures and Public Awareness
Initiatives to Limit Drunk Driving

The Turkish government takes various measures to reduce drunk driving. According to the Turkish Penal Code implemented in 2024, heavy penalties will be imposed on drivers who drive under the influence of alcohol. Additionally, traffic police frequently conduct inspections and apply necessary punitive measures when drunk drivers are detected.

The Role of Education and Public Awareness Campaigns

The role of education and public awareness campaigns is crucial in preventing drunk driving. Educating young people in schools will raise awareness and encourage healthier driving habits in society. Additionally, awareness campaigns conducted through the media help make the community more sensitive to drunk driving issues.

Law Article Related to Driving Under the Influence in Turkish Penal Code

Endangering Traffic Safety

Article 179-

(1) A person who endangers the safety of road, sea, air, or railway transportation by changing, rendering unusable, removing from their place, giving incorrect signals, placing objects on passage, arrival, departure, or landing paths, or interfering with the technical operation system, thereby posing a danger to the life, health, or property of others, shall be sentenced to imprisonment for a term of one to six years.

(2) A person who drives or manages road, sea, air, or railway transportation vehicles in a manner that may be dangerous to the life, health, or property of individuals shall be punished with imprisonment for a term of three months to two years.

(3) A person who, despite being unable to safely operate a vehicle due to the influence of alcohol or drugs or for any other reason, operates a vehicle shall be punished according to the provisions of the preceding paragraph.

Endangering Traffic Safety by Negligence

Article 180-

(1) In sea, air, or railway transportation, a person who negligently endangers the life, health, or property of individuals shall be sentenced to imprisonment for a term of three months to three years.